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I'm Prawigya

Bridging the gap between creativity and technology, I'm a New Media Design student translating technical solutions into user-friendly experiences

About Me

I'm currently pursuing my MDes in New Media Design at NID Gandhinagar, aiming to merge my experience as an ML Engineer with a passion for crafting human-centered experiences

Prior to joining NID, I completed my bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering

When I'm not immersed in design, you might find me exploring the intersection of art and technology

My Work

My work explores the intersection of technology, social impact, and creative expression. Here's a glimpse into the themes that inspire my projects

Human-Centered Technology 

I'm passionate about using design to address societal challenges and enhance the lives of others.

Art with a

Whether through concept art, digital art, or explorations of surrealism and magical realism, I seek to create visuals that evoke wonder and spark conversations.


I believe in the power of injecting fun and experimentation into design. Whether it's interactive art or gamified learning I enjoy creating experiences that spark joy 

Inspired by 

The natural world serves as a constant source of inspiration, influencing both my design work and artistic endeavors.

Connect with me

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